
Expedient Consultants

KV's ChanakyaShaala® 

Saturn and Moon, the Management Angle

Saturn is considered to be the most dreaded planet in Astrology and enjoys the most difficult relationship with its enemy moon. This Post explains the relationship between Saturn and Moon from Management Angle. Sade Saati occurs when Saturn transits in a Moon sign before, through that sign or in a sign after that Moon sign. For instance if Saturn transits through Gemini, there will be Sade Saati on Taurus (sign before), Gemini (the sign), and Cancer (sign after). In Management Astrology, Moon represents the Personality of an Individual or Brand. Personality of a Person or Brand personality of a Product/Business often has two components. First component is the visible component i.e. the personality traits which a Person or Brand projects to the World (Image). Second component is the actual personality of a Person or Brand. There is always a gap between the projected personality (Image) and actual personality of a person or brand. Saturn exposes that Gap to the World during its transit times. The problem starts for an individual or brand if the extent of this gap is beyond a certain limit. Let’s understand it with following examples:

  1. Individuals: A person with certain capabilities gets promoted in his Job. With promotion come new responsibilities. If the individual doesn’t lift up his skills to match those additional responsibilities or is not meant for those additional/new responsibilities, the gap between his real skills and required skills increases, Saturn exposes this gap and tarnishes his image during its Sade Saati. In actual terms, Saturn is only bringing to the notice of the World, the real personality (or capability) of the person which is different from his projected image.
  2. Business: A Brand makes certain promises to its customers and tries to create a certain Brand Image/Personality through its promotional campaigns. If the gap between the claims and actual performance of its products is beyond a certain extent, it exposes itself to Saturn. During Saturn’s Sade Saati for that Brand Personality type, the real performance (or real worth) of the product is exposed to the customers.  (Brand Personality types and their relation to moon sign have been explained in my Management Astrology Blog through Blog Post of September 24th,2017)

There are many more interesting aspects in this relationship between Saturn and Moon, and I will explain all these aspects as well as the Management remedies in my future Posts. Kindly contact me at the under-mentioned details for customized interpretations for your particular Businesses / Careers.

Copyright: Kujnish Vashisht, Expedient Consultants,, 09779883347, 09878904347

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