
Expedient Consultants

KV's ChanakyaShaala® 

Senior Management Vs Generation next

In Management Astrology, Senior management (except owners) is represented by Jupiter while owners of Business are represented by Sun. In case of family owned companies or enterprises, the generation next of the owners is represented by mercury. Sun is the friend of both Jupiter and Mercury. However, Jupiter and Mercury are neutral with hidden animosity between the two. If Sun (Owner) is in control of Business, he is able to control the hidden animosity between Jupiter (Senior management) and Mercury (Generation next). Jupiter represents experience while mercury represents new ideas. However, if Sun gives direct control to Mercury without caring for experienced Jupiter, this hidden animosity is bound to convert in to open animosity which is not good for any organisation. Thus, when generation next joins Business in a family owned organisation, the senior generation should create a balance between senior management and Generation next. How this is to be managed depends upon scale of Business, nature of Business as well as the Profile of Senior Management and Generation next. An important point to note is that as the generation next gains experience, their Mercury characteristics start converting in to Sun’s characteristics. The process of conversion of Generation next from Mercury to Sun is the transition period which needs to be managed in a planned manner by the owners.

What is the astrological meaning of hidden animosity between Jupiter and Mercury? Jupiter is Knowledge and Wisdom, while Mercury is a Business Man. So, when Jupiter and Mercury come in contact, Mercury receives all the knowledge from Jupiter and when Jupiter is exhausted after giving all the knowledge, Mercury says that now you can go away as I will do business of the knowledge you gave and make money out of it. Now, Jupiter feels cheated. That's the reason for hidden animosity between Jupiter and Mercury. Management Astrology has remedies to managing this conflict between Jupiter and Mercury. However, these remedies vary depending on nature of Business, organisation culture as well as profile of senior management and generation next. We will try to analyse different situations and suggest remedies in our future posts. 

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