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NEW wEBSITE FOR Management Astrology

Latest Articles by Kujnish Vashisht on Business, Career, Political, Stock Market and Personal Astrology are now available on our dedicated website for Management Astrology. Hers is the link Home - Management Astrology

Management Astrology Blog

Career Astrology-2- Careers for Taurus Ascendants

If you are born under Taurus Ascendant, you are best suited for careers which involve well defined processes and accuracy. If Saturn is decently placed in your Horoscope, you are blessed with qualities like Patience and Persistence. Some of the careers best suited for you are Chartered Accountancy, Science and Technology and Manufacturing.

For Astrological Consultation, contact India's Best Business, Career, Stock Market and Political Astrologer Kujnish Vashisht at (91) 9779883347. (91) 9878904347

Career Astrology 1- Careers for Aries Ascendants

If you are born under Aries Ascendant, you are more suited for Careers which involve repetitive tasks. The best suited Jobs for you are in the Operations field. For instance, in Banking you are likely to excel in the routine operational part of Banking. Avoid Investment Banking. Jobs in Manufacturing or Logistics Operations can also be a good career for you.

For Astrological Consultation, contact India's Best Business, Career, Stock Market and Political Astrologer Kujnish Vashisht at (91) 9779883347. (91) 9878904347

Marketing- Astrological perspective

In this Video, Kujnish Vashisht gives an Astrological Perspective to Marketing, one of the most important functions of Business. Kujnish Vashisht is a Strategic Marketing Consultant and Author of many successful books on Marketing and Astrology. He has also Authored an exclusive Marketing book based on first Doha of Hanuman Chalisa. He is India's Best Business, Career, Political and Stock Market Astrologer.

Libra Ascendant-Businesses to Avoid

In this Video. Kujnish Vashisht tells about Businesses which should be avoided by those born under Libra Ascendant. Kujnish Vashisht is India's Best Business, Career, Political and Stock Market Astrologer. He is also a leading Author and Strategic Marketing Consultant.


Virgo Ascendant-Businesses to Avoid


In this Video. Kujnish Vashisht tells about Businesses which should be avoided by those born under Virgo Ascendant. Kujnish Vashisht is India's Best Business, Career, Political and Stock Market Astrologer.

Leo Ascendant-Businesses to Avoid


In this Video. Kujnish Vashisht tells about Businesses which should be avoided by those born under Leo Ascendant. Kujnish Vashisht is India's Best Business, Career, Political and Stock Market Astrologer. He is also a leading Author and Strategic Marketing Consultant


Zomato And Swiggy's Number 90 Connection

In this Video. Kujnish Vashisht talks about a strange connection of Zomato and Swiggy with number 90. He also explains how you should base all your Business Strategies and Business Model on Planet ruling that Business. Kujnish Vashisht is India's Best Business, Career, Political and Stock Market Astrologer. He is also a leading Author and Strategic Marketing Consultant.


Cancer Ascendant-Businesses to Avoid

In this Video. Kujnish Vashisht tells about Businesses which should be avoided by those born under Cancer Ascendant. Kujnish Vashisht is India's Best Business, Career, Political and Stock Market Astrologer.


Gemini Ascendant-Businesses to Avoid

In this Video. Kujnish Vashisht tells about Businesses which should be avoided by those born under Gemini Ascendant. Kujnish Vashisht is India's Best Business, Career, Political and Stock Market Astrologer. He is also a leading Author and Strategic Marketing Consultant.


Venus for Riches and Fame

This Video by Kujnish Vashisht describes. how to interpret Venus in your Horoscope for analyzing your Potential for Riches and Fame. Kujnish Vashisht is a leading Business, Career, Political and Stock Market Astrologer.


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